
Want To Build Your Own Multitouch Surface Computer?

April 8, 2009

If you have the spare time at home and the tools to do it, why not try what the people over at MAXIM PC did. They managed to a Multitouch Computer using parts that me and you can easy get, and best of all they showed us how they did it. The video below is them running the test after they got it build.

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What is an FTP and how to use it

February 19, 2009

I would of thought, well maybe it’s me jumping the gun that people would understand what a FTP is when coming into web design. But today, after reading the WebCreationUK reviews it hit me that maybe not all the bases are covered when learning web design and certain things are over looked. So I figure I’ll […]

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Windows 7 – Multi-touch

November 9, 2008

So Windows 7 its on its way, which imo (in my opinion) seems really stupid of Windows to do. But that is my opinion, but in they show off what the system will be able to do.

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