
WordPress Cheatsheet

February 21, 2009

When building a WordPress site from scratch there is a lot of code to remember. So it is always good when you have a source to reference. On twitter I managed to find a good source, a link that led me to a break down of the WordPress’s structure. It a nice list that breaks […]

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WordPress Resource Collection

February 9, 2009

Resource Jackpot! Reading around twitter, I found a nice link (thanks to mayhemstudios via twitter) to a nice collection of WordPress documentations. From breakdown what WordPress is – to getting your own domain – to even installing it own your PC. The list of links that can help you does on and on. A good […]

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What is Social Media

February 9, 2009

What is social media? That is the question on most people’s mind when they hear they need to get more involved within the social media, eg:  Stumbleupon, Twitter, Dig and so on. It is the best way to get it out in the internet and brand yourself good. But to get there you need to […]

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