Some big changes are in the works

by Cristhian Bedon on April 8, 2009

As you can see a new theme is up and running, there are a few kinks in it but it is coming along. Apart from that a few updates that will occur is that “Video Wednesday” will be somewhat flipped around. As a way for me to get best use of this theme and have a “featured” video going on. I thought it would be great to update the upcoming “featured” video with a video done by me. This gives me more of an incentive to get my After Effect skills brushed up.  Also I have a few post on the way for the Tutorial section – it never hurts to share – as well as a Web Site to add to my Portfolio. Also I am in the works of developing a small theme to give out to the public, nothing major just my first piece of “art”. A few heads up, due to the amount of work bigging  put in for a school project, posting would be put to a minimal (2-3 post per week “hopefully”)  till the site gets put out.

Site with the new theme

Site with the new theme

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